affliated to
ESTD 1888
BFA Degree Course is a 4 year undergraduate programme conducted by our institution. It is a Professional Course leading to BFA Degree in three specializations Painting, Sculpture and Applied Art.
A common entrance test (Aptitude Test) is conducted annually by the Directorate of Technical Education (D.T.E.), Govt. of Kerala, to select students for the First Year B.F.A. (Integrated) Degree Course. Currently a total of 44 students are inducted to our college from the list of selected candidates. The basic qualification for applying for BFA Degree Course is pass in 10 + 2 from a recognized secondary examination board.
First Year BFA (Integrated) Degree course
The First Year of the BFA Degree Course is a foundation programme where the subjects taught are common to all the admitted students of the newly inducted batch. The students learn the basics of Drawing, Painting & Printmaking, Sculpting and Designing through the various practical subjects designed to understand the technicalities and creative endeavour of art making. The students are also introduced into the history and the importance of art and also the principles that function in art objects through the theory subjects taught, which are equally important in this course. Internal Assessments will be conducted by the teachers at the end of each term during the academic year. The Annual Promotional Examination for the First Year is conducted by the University of Kerala at the end of the academic year. The internal marks component is 40% while the year end Promotional Exam marks component is 60%. Students with proper attendance (minimum 75% attendance) and with score of minimum 35% marks in Practical Subjects and minimum 30% marks in Theory Subjects will be eligible to appear for the First Year BFA (Integrated) Degree Examination conducted by the University of Kerala. Students after passing the First Year BFA (Integrated) Degree Examination then have to choose their specialization either in Painting, Sculpture or Applied Art for their further course in II, III and Final Year BFA. The option for the specialization will be accepted on the basis of the aptitude and the marks scored by the student in the First Year BFA. A ratio of 1:2:3 in strength will be maintained while inducting students into II year BFA in Sculpture, Painting and Applied Art respectively.
II year, III year and Final year BFA course in Painting/Sculpture/Applied Art
The BFA course gets bifurcated into 3 specializations from II year BFA onwards and the subjects taught are specific to the specialization offered. The specialized subjects, both practical and theory, from the II year and until the end of Final year are designed for specific and detailed learning in Painting, Sculpting and Designing. During this course students are encouraged self learning, research and to develop higher thinking skills that are essential for development of their creativity. The course develops in its scope and students are engaged in both individual and group projects. Term assessments will be conducted at the end of every term and are important for promotion to the higher class. The annual Promotional Examination of II year BFA and III year BFA are conducted by the college. The final exam of the Final year BFA is conducted by the University of Kerala. Eligibility, like minimum attendance and marks, for appearing the Final BFA Examinations are mandatory like in the first year BFA.
Detailed Syllabus of the course, as set by the University of Kerala, will be provided to students who get admission to the course.
An All India Study Tour is conducted as part of the BFA course for all the students.
The passing out final year BFA students have to display their works as part of the Degree Show conducted at the end of the course.
BFA Degree is awarded by the University of Kerala.